Nouns always used in plural
Grammar corrects language. In English language grammar, there are many common errors generally seen. Let's discuss today about use of noun to avoid misuse of grammatical aspect. Let's focus on what all nouns always remain in plural form. Here, the below list of nouns. arms, proceeds, spectacles, pantaloons, promises, riches, alms, annals, goods, surroundings, shorts, thanks, trousers, paints, tights, billiards, tidings, measles, stocks, breeches, tongs. Meaning: "stocks" here represents a word for punishment a wooden structure with holes for feet . It always remains in plural form. Moreover, It creates meaning of shares. It is countable and uncountable noun. riches ( noun ) = money, wealth rich - (adjective ) wealthy, moneyed arms (n) ( plural) = weapons arm (n)= part of body ...