Nouns always used in plural

Grammar corrects language. 

In English language grammar, there are many common errors generally seen. Let's discuss today about use of noun to avoid misuse of grammatical aspect. 

Let's focus on what all  nouns always remain in plural form.

Here, the below list of nouns.

arms, proceeds, spectacles,  pantaloons, promises, riches, alms,  annals, goods, surroundings, shorts,  thanks, trousers, paints, tights, billiards,  tidings, measles,  stocks, breeches, tongs.


"stocks" here represents a word for punishment a wooden structure with holes for feet . It always remains in plural form. Moreover, It creates meaning of shares. It is countable and uncountable noun.

riches  ( noun ) = money, wealth        rich - (adjective ) wealthy, moneyed 

arms (n) ( plural)  = weapons                               arm (n)= part of body  she scrolled the child in her arms. ( plural N) 

premise (n) = a statement for argument             premises= (plural .n) building 

proceed= (v) to continue doing something                     proceeds=(n) money that you receive from performance or sales. 

Generally, these all above suggested nouns go for plural use.  Somewhere it is noticed if they are used in the singular form they have a different meaning according to the grammar.

It is always suggested that certain nouns in English are always plural and they always go by Subject Verb agreement, according to the nouns.

Incorrect: My friend enjoys amassing great rich.
Correct: My friend enjoys amassing great riches.

So what is the difference between "rich and riches"
"Riches" means the large amounts of money and valuable or beautiful positions.

Example: He was a famous actor who looks war is riches.( Hear riches is a noun)
Now look at rich it is an adjective it means with a lot of money when somebody has lot of money or property so that we can use rich.

An example:
He is a rich man who always helps other.
In adjective degree                                                     rich- richer- richest.

But when we talk about the rich it becomes a plural noun never misunderstand this one it means people who have a lot of money or property for example:

It's a favourite place for the rich and famous people in India.

So, here I give you one example of this nouns are in plural form so you can look up dictionary to find out more meaning about the word suggested to you and using your day to day life.Finally I want you to understand the grammatical forms of verb agreement after the nouns those who are in plural forms whether they will take singular  or plural verb.

Sometime most of nouns, they always go by plural verb and somewhere in grammar the go by singular verb it is dictionary and grammar book which will guide as to find out grammar point, what agrees with nouns.

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