American or British which English is spoken in India?

At present people are divided in their opinion. However, I strongly believe that as far as topic is concerned, It covers a wide range of debatable comments regarding   weather American or British English is to be spoken and written  in India.

As a matter of fact, India is one of the best English speaking country across the globe according to the international communication is regarded. where millions of people use English language in their day to day professional and academic fields.It is used as a second language in India.

Most of Indian  hardly bring differences in American and the British English during picking up English Language in day to day communication.Indian just want to speak or communicate English with accuracy and fluency.

It is technology who sometime distinguishes language in spelling, words, grammar and accent. As American and British English lay on their principle differences between logical language acceptance.

Indian speakers follow accuracy, consequently, as grammar is prioritized initially in many institutions and give importance to English literature with knowledge based discussion in terms of examination and life skills by life style of literary adoption in personal and workplace. This is also broadly seen that most of tourist guide use accent being influenced by international tourists. 

As accuracy is a matter of indisputable points, English pronunciation for fluency with accent placed after being educated in accuracy grammatically. considering the language accent of American and British English in communication hardly brings comparison like both literature as differentiated in higher education introducing major in American and British literature of master degree recognition.

Apart from academic majors, Indian express English Communication without distinguishing accents though some of famous dictionary represents two accent in entry, Indian students and people learn vocabulary meaning by looking up words and rarely pay attention in details of American and British English enunciation.  

When it comes to international communication; people from India  try to give importance to English pronunciation and understand the importance of English communication with correct utterance of words and phrases. Accent is accepted with high regards where accuracy is first concerned in delivery of knowledge publicly. 

It is worth considering that many studies on primary differences between American and British English may result disputable argumentation and Non-native speaker of English communicators will face many problems when presenting languages globally. 

Though it is true that accent , words and grammar are respected according to origination. Still views may differ by other English speaking countries. Instead of bringing noticeable attention in both English. It should be welcomed correct sound by received pronunciation & recommendation, according to International Phonetic Association and Alphabet. 

Accent reduction is one of the areas where Indian work on to remove mother tongue influence and mother tongue effect. They give seriousness to communication and language delivery with accuracy and represent language with inflection.

How to pronounce like American and British English? as the way native speaker pronounce their mother tongue or English language; it becomes quite challenging for non English speaking international students or learners to communicate with actual accent. Now we need to accept   in agreeable of view that   English accent also differs from indigenous English speakers.

As phonology is concerned in this regard, the actual matter is English is a phonographic language. having two alphabet. Both 26 letters and 44 sounds are studied accordingly. There are many languages spoken across the globe which are non phonographic. They have only letter alphabet.

The specification of phonetics ( Study of pronunciation by sound alphabet) constitutes manner of sound production and articulates to use mouth organs for clarity speech and enunciation. 

This is one of the convincing area why English pronunciation is studied.  It is apparently seen in most of the dictionary that the phonetic symbols suggest how to pronounce the word correctly? 

It is also noticeable that  phonetics introduce differentiation of two countries' Accent, Words, Grammar and Spelling. It is quite understandable that the value of communication lays on delivery language effectively where to be understood and to understand. 

It hardly matters to Indian who want to communicate with accuracy and fluency without any differentiation by accepting as English as an international language.

Indian represent language by means of communication and transfer knowledge to represent theory and practical.

Weighing both sides of arguments, this is broadly comprehended  that language with differentiation can be discrimination.

To avoid it, the easiest way to accept and welcome accent and introduce accuracy with correct pronunciation as suggested for received sound with the help of phonological recommendation. It is obviously respected in India to express English with accuracy and fluency with  audible clarity of pronunciation and confidence.

Blogger: Padarbind   W/M: +91 7008382228 


Prava said…
That's again a debatable topic. While sometimes it's fun to come across different accents, sometimes it's confusing as well. Somehow we need a balance in between keeping our original long term accent, with definitely accepting some new pronunciations.

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