People laughed at me because I did not know Grammar.


It was a time when I was in question-and-answer round of English tests, I could explain much on Grammar and sometimes gave wrong answer. Everybody sitting in the room embarrassed me with a straight criticizing tone that “you are speaking in English but unable to explain Grammar. How come?” truly, such disgusting moment for me it was. Felt very sorry on me and asked myself question that “what went wrong? Where I can speak in English but unable to explain Grammar.” Later on, overthinking with slight stress, some of ideas simply bore in mind. Self-doubt put me down but decided to find out possible solution. Luckily reached the place of solution. After all, came to know that speaking English is a skill but understanding the language and its structures with appropriation on grammatical aspects are different.  One can improve his or her speaking skills. There is no denying that it will take a few months to enhance ability to speak better but without knowing common applied grammar, one may face some difficulties to answer error corrections, sentence arrangements, use of actual vocabulary, appropriate use of grammatical and content words, and varieties of structures on sentence formation.

Let’s eye on another side of it, supposing that, one has developed his or her grammatical knowledge and fluency in English. Afterwards, Can he or she solve competitive English which is very common on many entrance examination? It is apparently seen that in many English test, Grammar is less and more on logical thinking of the language on reasoning ability. There are different parameters to examine the ability of the candidates in current examination and its pattern.

One should enhance his / her skills in Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. Apart from it, logical sequence, coherence and cohesion, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, task response, task achievement, analogy, spelling tricks, simple, compound, and complex structures identifying, reading comprehension, paraphrases, synonyms, antonyms, substitute vocabulary, arrangements of syntax, error identification, analytical writing, listening comprehension, logical speaking, pronunciation, collocations, and many more.


It is now a point to argue that, after gaining certain skills in the field of communication skills in English, one has to develop one’s most import skills for career enhancement as per his or her requirement in the society or work culture. It is not mandatory to acquire all knowledge suggested and discussed above, some of the competency level on English language must be learnt to increase the abilities.


It is obvious that there are learns who are categorized in skills section. They are recommended to use such applied skills on language development and its advancement for future growth. From this discussion, it is concluded that Speaking is not the enough with fluency. There are many others skills must be developed to meet up the requirements of the targeted language.


Author and Trainer


M:+91 7008382228


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