How to use Discourse markers to improve English Communication skills?

Communication with situational dialogue 

English Discourse markers are beneficial to all desirous learners to sharply improve English Communication skills in every bit of situation. It is so called situational dialogue for communicative uses. Apart from Grammar, There are many expressions can be well utilized to express thoughts in a particular situation which demand linguistic ability to deliver appropriate language phrases as per the requirement of expressions. Most of pre-designed sentences are highly used as commonly spoken phrases in day to day English. You can generate quick ideas on suggested idioms, phrases, dialogues, sentences, proverbs, and dialogue lines spoken by majority. To deal with any of the situations in life, the famous core expressive phrases can be applicable according to the situational demand. 

Discourse Markers for communication 

It is good to learn to use those discourse makers for communication building. One can use the best of suitable dialogues for the appropriate sense to demonstrate the communicative approaches. The Discourse makers are made of tenses according to its situations. The common phrases are well developed for suggestions over language improvement. They are always used as fillers or connectors in the language of cohesive devices. This is also considered as colloquial phrases in English. There are many situations that we come across in life, according the situations, the discourse markers have been developed to express communicative dialogue in that situation. All discourse makers are suggested by native and non-native speakers. Some have origin and others are created with suitability of the uses. To communicate effectively, the situational dialogues always help us express language accurately to convey the intentional meaning through oral or written messages. 

Communicative dialogues 

You can keenly notice most of expressions which are very common in dialogues. Such as: What to express when you are busy? what to say when you meet someone after a long day? how to say sorry? how to express your thoughts when you request, take permission, give thanks, start a conversation, close the discussion and so on. There are many expressive lines where we can add on dialogues to create discourse markers. 

One Ex:

Saying sorry.

I am sorry....

I feel very sorry..

I am extremely sorry...

I feel ashamed .......

I don't know what to say sorry but...

I feel like I should not have done such...

I apologize for my mistakes.....

I am feeling very bad now because ....

We can create many types of suitable discourse markers for better communication. They always work as a filler in the situational communication as per the requirement.

Just think of those situations you come across and experience the requirements of language delivery. If you note down you daily situations and start to collect suggested discourse markers, some day or the other, you can excel in communication building. Internet and other recommended books are available to use in order to improve discourse markers for quality of speaking and writing skills. 

Author and Trainer,


M: +91 7008382228 

YouTube: padarbind / mainstay abroad 

IELTS, Communication skills 


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