Never feel that you can not do better.

It is your self esteem who can listen to you and make you realize that you can conceive anything and do excellent in every field, you only need a sparking mind with strong will power. 

Life has many ups and downs. It has been very common these days. Nothing can make you worry with positive thinking. 

We work hard and expected results do not bear fruits the way it should be. Now, whose fault is it? is it our luck or amount of efforts given in the work? all different thoughts fight with own logic, the end result is devastated. Every bit of hope speaks about achievement, however, every bit of hope needs action with full determined commitment.  

Underestimating your abilities, feeling negative and keeping wrong notion can fully break your inner confidence. The more we cultivate a fighting spirit against negative habits and thoughts, that can build marvelous strengths to raise in life.  

Many people do excellent job in their domain and other fail to execute same. Why? It is not the experience that are counted here, beyond of it, there are willingness to learn and activated mind to have continuous efforts until get success. 

Others may perform better than you but remember, your turn will come with full active spirit and direct you to do the same better with new creative approach. Never blame yourself what you have lost and failed? motivate yourself what you have learned new things from losing and failing. Your all inputs with various ideas can combine a dynamic strategy to succeed in your expertise. 

In the forest, many different tress are available. Have you ever noticed they never put themselves down with growth and size. All are united with different skills. Such as, we are born different with unique skills , that can not be compared with any others. It is our own way of executing the ideas for goals and purposes. Upgrading and Upskills are tow words that always construct powerful ethics and contribute mental, physical, spiritual and financial strengths. 

In short, your current abilities to perform your works are on your way of thinking, You should not bring any comparisons with any works being done by others. 

Thank you!

Author and Trainer


IELTS, English Communication Skills & Life skills.

M:+91 7008382228 / 9178017011 


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