Why do people think that IELTS is difficult?


IELTS is specifically considered as a test for specific purposes. It deals with PR, Immigration, and Study Abroad for non-native English speaker. It evaluates English Language Proficiency test. There are 4 sections for assessment. 

1- Listening  2- Reading  3- Writing   4- Speaking 

Listening has 40 questions, 30 minutes duration, 4 sections of audio speech. 

Reading has 3 passages, 40 questions, 60 minutes 

Writing has two tasks. Task -1 and Task 2, Task-1 150 words, 20 minutes and Task-2 250 words, 20 minutes, in total- 60 minutes 

Speaking has 3 parts, 11-14 minutes face to face interaction based interview and speech is recorded. 

There are two categories. 1- Academic IELTS for Study Abroad Purposes and 2- General IELTS for immigration, work visa and permanent residency.

IELTS is basically a type of competitive English entrance for 4 skills ( LSRW). There are major understanding needed to score band as per the requirement for any parameter in order to maintain the process for immigration.  

It needs various ways of assessment as directed in the format. One can must understand that Listening and Reading is receptive skills and Writing and Speaking is productive skills. 

Reading and Listening deals with 40 questions with specification but the Writing and Speaking depends on band descriptors. It requires Task Responses and Achievement, Coherence and Cohesive, Lexical Resources and Grammatical range and accuracy. 

Some people think that Writing and Speaking is a part of human evaluation. It differs with band score from examiners. Moreover, The actual story  behind is Speaking and Writing is evaluated by band descriptions of it official criteria. No examiner uses his or her own experiences to give band to the candidates by self-evaluation process. It needs a system to analyze the appropriate band. 

Let's discuss why it makes other feel hard? The simple answer is until it is parctised with by its format. It will not be helpful in the examination. No matter, how fluent someone is in English. IELTS looks for different aspect of assessing skills. 

It covers sound range of vocabulary formally and good English grammar structures for sentence formation. All that criteria of IELTS profoundly meets up the 4 skills by its own formatted pattern. 

The belief of wrong notion never makes a sense in this regard, some candidates believe that Speaking English fluently and accurately can help them score their targeted band. Moreover, the facts of IELTS examination has contrasting approach in the questions. It always be unalike in LSRW formats of questions. 

Reading assesses how one can use analytical and vocabulary skills to transfer answer. It is his or her real quality to access the information that shows language comprehensive ability. Same as, Listening also examines the core ability of the candidates, how one can utilize comprehensive listening skills to transfer the answer by keen listening on audio conversation of foreign accent. 

It can also be broadly seen in the assessment of speaking and writing through band descriptions and required criteria for band score. 

IELTS can be made easier by improving synonyms and paraphrasing skills. A candidate must develop wide range of vocabulary with grammatical knowledge. All the common spoken English may not work in the real examination to crack the target. 

It is highly recommended that one can do practice with its format and appear more test for self-satisfaction until scored well. But time management is a major concern in the examination. Candidates can appear the test anywhere across the countries in the center. 

It will be tough to score desired band. when one can follow the instructions along with assessed skills by formats. The more one contributes efforts to solve many papers can hone skills to strengthen the preparation better. 

Author and Faculty

Padarabind Behera

M:+91 7008382228



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