Educational institutions profoundly affected due to Covid-19
The Covid-19 pandemic has been a panicking for all educational systems and facilities have been profoundly affected.
Schools, universities and colleges have faced major problems to facilitate systematic training and coursework on account of pandemic.
The monitoring of schools universities and colleges have not yet been inspected with proper systematic management to have a quality control. The reason can vary from facilities presented currently by changing offline education to online education.
Printed books curriculum and technical software based curriculum represent different impact in productive and receptive knowledge of learners. As co-curricular and extra-curricular activities have immensely hit due to online education. Moreover, the quality content and visual impact grows up quickly with the special facilitation. In the other side of this view is totally different, as many of learners still facing great difficulties to adopt and utilize online education because of certain issues.
Students as well as members of faculties have also faced quite a challenging execution in respect of delivering and receiving quality education.
Those schools, colleges and Universities provided online education and examination under the protocols of Covid-19, the study efforts of the students affected a lot due to cancellations and organizing test centers during pandemic where government protocols came into picture by rules and regulation in view of law and order.
Most of students from Science, Engineering, Management, and Technology; after passing out from the college or university also encountered with placement assistance issues.
Every parent, expecting the reopening of the schools, colleges and Universities are also facing hard core difficult situations.
Most of people from the country have given their reviews and comments on the effect of education system. As the feedback of the learners matter a lot to bring reformation and progression in the respective field of educational growth in society.
Having seen this kind of problems, most of educational institutes providing competitive entrance, facing tough time for business and employment growth. The students admission in personal coaching has reduced due to online education and different online marketing strategies are being followed to sell out online courses.
As a matter of fact, it has become a quiet strenuous efforts for institutes without having skilled professional from the respective field of digital marketing.
The online education can be regarded with its advantages. Somewhere, the disadvantages are also taking exacting place intensely. Every problem can be solved out with the coordination among institutes and student divisions.
Most of students, who are appearing for competitive entrance, instead of taking admission on online education. They are downloading and buying training videos and study materials from different application for the purpose of practice and preparation.
What should institutes do in this hardcore disheartened period? Most of us must go by educational products and introduce quality content with the help of technology and digital skilled manpower as per affordable budget, The institutes should work collaboratively in the advancement of acceleration.
All career uplift of institutional business depend on their quality services by seeing the market go. The delivery approach and educational services must be made up the requirements of the current learners who are not be facilitated value based training.
There are golden opportunities for educational institutes to run again with modification and online digital content. They can produce many different courses by collaborating with other institutes and drive active business spirit with handsome earning.
Blogger: Padarbind
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